Want to Stop Constantly Working 50+ Hour Weeks?

New Microbook Reveals Unique Mindset & Tactics of Great Managers

It only takes 1 hour to read or listen to

Yours for only $19 FREE for a limited time!

  • You're a manager or are in a similar role, requiring you to lead teams to meet company goals

  • You want to do well at your job but not at the expense of living your life

  • You're tired of frequent "fire drills" at work threatening your evenings and weekends

  • You're over everyone bugging you all the time, meaning you can't get any real work done

  • You're nervous about taking extended time off because everything is dependent on you

  • You hate spending Sunday dreading the week that's coming

Unfortunately, Most New Managers Quickly...


If you can relate, then you likely spend all of your time:

  • Attending endless meetings that probably didn't need to happen in the first place

  • Dealing with team drama because your staff are exhausted and bickering

  • Dropping everything and working until midnight because something didn't get done right the first time

  • Wishing you had time to actually get some real work done...

Ask me how I know. I was right there when I started in my first manager role.

All of this busywork means you just work too much and feel drained.

Thankfully, it got better for me...

Hi, I'm Kyle

I feel like I started out on my own manager journey like most people...

Trying to figure it out as best I could but really feeling the struggle.

  • My schedule was always hectic

  • My staff would push back on my instructions

  • And I felt like I was just one work crisis away from a mental breakdown

Not only was it difficult at work, but my personal life was taking a hit too.

Working more hours meant less time doing my own thing. And I had a hard time relaxing because I was so stressed out.

Thankfully, I had a mentor who came into my life who showed me what to do instead.

After doing what they showed me:

  • I reclaimed control of my calendar

  • Learned how to get my staff to want to follow me

  • And set up systems that allowed me to scale larger teams

All of this meant that I started...

This made all the difference for my mental health. And then I was actually able to pursue hobbies and spend more time with family and friends.

In my book, I share exactly what I was shown and how to get started...

So that you too can excel in your manager role without having to constantly sacrifice your personal life.

Here's What You'll Cover In The Book...

  • The 3 focus areas that make you a great manager and stop the endless cycle of working overtime

  • The most common false beliefs that lead managers to shoot themselves in the foot without realizing

  • The 5 manager profiles, why each struggles, and what you can do to avoid making the same mistakes

  • What I call "The Elite Leader Freedom Formula", the best way to kill it in your manager role while also having a healthy work-life balance

  • The 9 fastest ways that you can start using the Elite Leader Freedom Formula in as little as 1 week

  • The top reasons why most leadership training fails and what you can do to beat the odds

  • And a whole lot more!

The blueprint for leveling up and claiming back your time...

The false beliefs that are holding you back...

And much, much more!

There's No Catch...

This isn't a "self help book" that is just fluff, or that's loaded with links for other stuff to buy.

The simple idea is that you walk away knowing how to be a solid manager and not have to work so d*** much, and so you can see I do things differently.

Then if it makes sense, and you want to work closer with me, then you can - but honestly, I don't care either way. As long as you win from this book, I'm happy.

There's No Catch...

This isn't a "self help book" that is just fluff, or that's loaded with links for other stuff to buy.

The simple idea is that you walk away knowing how to be a solid manager and not have to work so d*** much, and so you can see I do things differently.

Then if it makes sense, and you want to work closer with me, then you can - but honestly, I don't care either way. As long as you win from this book, I'm happy.

I just published the book so I'm giving away the first 100 copies free.

I'm excited and wanted to get the message out to people as quickly as possible.

After that, I'll start charging full price.

If you're seeing this page, free copies are still available. So snag yours while you can.

It only takes 1 hour to read or listen to

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